What's new in Skiley 4.2
Take a look at the new features developed over the last 7 months!

Hey there!
Seven months after the 4.1 release, here we are with another blog post to tell you everything that has been developed and added to Skiley over the last few months!
If you're new here, check Skiley out!
👉 Release Radar automatic archiving

One of the most requested features is finally here. Just like you can already create an automatic archive of your Discover Weekly playlist (so that you don't lose any song that's added to it whenever Spotify rotates the playlist's content every week), you can now do the same with your Release Radar playlist!
👉 Playlist deduplication

You can now remove duplicated songs and podcast episodes from your playlists, with a highly configurable algorithm! We analyzed more than 20 existing tools for removal of duplicated items in Spotify playlists available online, and we built an algorithm that covers pretty much all use cases that you might have.
We took a step further than other deduplication tools – our algorithm detects duplicated items by analyzing the metadata and audio spectrum of the songs. Therefore, the same song that's present in different album versions (like in a single, in an album and in a compilation album, for example) can still be detected as a duplicate, if it matches the "audio content" of the other song versions.
👉 Liked Songs can now be managed

Another highly requested feature – you can now manage your Liked Songs playlist! You can filter it by the mood of the songs, for example, or split it into many small parts.
Bear in mind that editing tools (like ordering and shuffling) aren't available for your Liked Songs playlist due to a Spotify limitation, but you can create a copy of it as a new playlist, and edit the copied playlist! (No need to remember all of that, we will warn you about it if you ever try to edit your Liked Songs playlist.)
👉 Syncing playlists with your Liked Songs

There are now 4 new playlist actions under the "Syncing tools" category. You can now:
- add all songs in a playlist to your Liked Songs;
- remove all songs in a playlist from your Liked Songs;
- remove all songs in a playlist that are already in your Liked Songs;
- remove all songs in a playlist that are not in your Liked Songs.
👉 Fullscreen mode for Now Playing

If you're using a device with a large screen (like a tablet or desktop), you can now enter Fullscreen mode on the Now Playing section! A dedicated view to your currently playing song, podcast episode or local file, with a side-to-side panel with the song's lyrics and, optionally, translation.
You can also enable lyrics auto-scrolling (based on the current play progress of the song) and change the font size. Oh, and there's a little sound bar visualizer below the song information, too! 😉
👉 UI customization

You can now change the overall color scheme of Skiley. Currently, we have a palette of 7 rigorously selected colors that you can choose from, and we plan to expand that in the future. Also, this is a PRO-only feature, so consider helping us to maintain and improve Skiley!
👉 Suggestions in artist/track query

When searching for a specific artist or song (like, for example, on Discover Discography and Similar Tracks features), we'll automatically give you a list of suggested artists/songs based on your recent playback history.
👉 Export top artists, genres and tracks to a file

In the Stats section, you can now export all of your data to your text file – your top artists, top songs and top genres, in all of the time ranges ("Last 4 weeks", "Last 6 months", etc.).
👉 Filter playlists by song popularity

You can now filter your playlists based on the popularity of each song (or podcast episode) present on them! That's a nice way to get yourself listening to more unknown songs, for example, or creating that "Top Hits" playlist for your party.
👉 Sorry for the ads!
Yeah, I hate them too. Unfortunately, Skiley needs them to survive. Nevertheless, we heard your feedback and we made the mobile ads a little bit less annoying – ads will no longer have sound (so your Spotify playback won't get paused), and there will be less ads overall (they will be shown at a much higher interval now).
👉 Accessibility improvements
We enhanced the integration of Skiley with your system (either your mobile device, or your desktop), and adapted some of its UI to be more responsive. Skiley will now:
- adjust its font scale to match the one you use in your device (so if you enabled a 150% font size in your accessibility settings, Skiley will respect that);
- make the text bolder, if you enabled that in your system settings;
- disable text selection while using the mobile apps;
- be more responsive to taps on iOS (there was a "slow tapping" bug that is now fixed);
- use skeletons (instead of loading spinners) on most of its UI to indicate that the data is loading.
👉 Many, MANY fixes and improvements
The following list is a non-exhaustive collection of smaller (but significant) fixes and improvements made on Skiley over the last few months:
- Playlist shuffling is now faster and more accurate
- Added "Is it in my Liked Songs?" property to playlist exporting
- You can now request a PayPal invoice to get PRO (instead of using Stripe)
- Increased the capacity of our servers
- Improved mood matching on tracks (when using features like "Create similar playlist")
- Increased the interval upon we show you the "review us" popup (sorry for spamming you!)
- It's now easier and faster to delete your account (please don't 😔)
- Improved lyrics finding for songs with non-English names
- Improved lyrics finding for just released songs
- Local files are now shown in the Now Playing section
- All playlist-related features are now more resilient to the presence of podcast episodes on playlists
- Improved caching of playlist items, so repeated actions (like ordering or filtering) on the same playlist are now faster
- Fixed a long-standing bug related to the audio features (like Positiveness and Instrumentality) that improved drastically the "custom mood" feature on similar playlist creation
- Skiley is now generally more resilient to failures in Spotify's services
- You will now receive a warning if you try to use an action (like ordering or filtering) on a playlist with more than 10,000 items (Spotify forbids that), instead of getting an "internal error" notification
- Improved Discover Unknown's algorithm
- Fixed creation of playlists with a long name (Spotify has an internal limit of characters for playlist names)
- Creating new playlists (like when filtering existent ones) no longer replicates the "[Skiley]" prefix multiple times, just once
- Messages (responses from feedbacks) are now shown in chronological order (if there are multiple ones)
- Improved Save Discover Weekly's archiving performance (you should see your new songs added to the archive playlist faster)
- Improved "pull to refresh" and "swipe to close" gestures on mobile devices
- Improved playlist ordering UI (added description to the "ignore name prefixes" checkbox, and chosen sorting rules are now remembered)
- Interface is now more fluid (reduced the duration of animations, and some transitions can now run at 120Hz in devices supporting such refresh rate)
- Removed auto focusing in text fields on Android (so that the virtual keyboard doesn't pops up every time a screen with a text field is shown to you)
- Genres are now shown in the track information UI (when clicking on a top track, for example)
- You are now warned if you use an old/unsupported web browser to access Skiley (you can still keep using it, but some UI elements might be buggy)
- Fixed genre colors (in the Top Genres section) on Firefox
- You can now use your browser's translation services to translate Skiley, and it will no longer crash
- Added infinite scrolling on the Playlists section (instead of having a "Load more..." button at the bottom)
- Added a notice to the Comments tab in Now Playing (making it clear that comments are taken from YouTube)
- Tooltips are now shown in mobile devices (previously, they were only shown in large screens)
- Improved sidebar navigation to feel more natural (you can now tap/click on your current section again to scroll the page to the top)
- Added Blog and Docs shortcuts to the settings menu
- Improved performance while scrolling on the Playlists section
- Android users that use a customized Android version that does not have the Play Store can now use Stripe to get PRO (instead of being completely unable to get PRO through the Android app)
- Simplified layout of the Discover section
- Fixed missing localizations (translations of messages)
- Improved UX of downloads on mobile devices
- Improved UX of configurations within playlist actions (like "playlist count" in playlist splitting)
- Notifications/toasts no longer show in front of dialogs/overlays/popups
- There's now a visual indicator that you can't edit your Liked Songs playlists, and playlists that you do not own
- Simplified the UI you see when you get banned from Skiley (hopefully you'll never see it 😁)
- Security improvements
"That's all Folks!"
Thanks for reading! As always, if you have any suggestions, bug reports or questions, please feel free to send us a feedback (inside Skiley) or an e-mail at support@skiley.net.
See you!